Note: As of February 2013, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Evaluation Fellowship Program has closed. More information about the program can be found at

Profile Sofia Oviedo

Sofia Oviedo was born, raised, and completed her formal education in New York City, and now works as a development professional there. Since she was a child, Sofia has always had a love for learning and was driven early on to succeed academically. Music and theater were very important in her life, and were the focus of her studies in high school and as an undergraduate student. Sofia earned a bachelor of fine arts degree in drama from New York University, and had the opportunity to work as an actress early in her career before transitioning to work in the non-profit sector. Sofia has found both personal and professional fulfillment as a non-profit professional. Since receiving her graduate degree, she has been working as an administrator and fundraiser for various non-profit organizations that address the needs of minority populations in the areas of education, child welfare and mental health. This experience has afforded her the opportunity to study program models and service interventions aimed to promote positive educational, social, and emotional outcomes in vulnerable youth and their families. In addition, as a fundraiser she has secured major funding from public and private sources for the expansion of program services, as well as the development of new initiatives in the areas of youth development, family support, health and social services.

Sofia is currently responsible for directing the grant development and communications activities of Global Kids. She is thrilled to be participating in the RWJF Retooling Evaluation Fellowship because she is very interested in evaluating the efficacy of Global Kids’ program model, which targets youth that are underrepresented in higher education and in many professional spheres. Through this fellowship, she seeks to conduct an evaluation that will demonstrate the effectiveness of Global Kids’ program model at transforming the lives of urban youth, who are often disenfranchised from the school system, and serve as a model program that can be replicated in communities across the country.

In addition to her BFA in drama from NYU Sofia holds a master’s degree in public administration from Baruch College.

About Global Kids’

Launched in 1989 and an independent organization since 1993, Global Kids’ mission is to educate and inspire urban youth to become successful students, global citizens and community leaders by engaging them in academically rigorous, content-rich learning experiences. Since its inception, Global Kids has been committed to meeting the needs of youth in under-resourced schools and neighborhoods of New York City. Through leadership development, academic enrichment and digital media programs, Global Kids uses interactive, experiential methods to educate youth about critical international and public policy issues, and inspires them to take action. Global Kids conducts its flagship Power of Citizenry after-school leadership program, as well as school-based programs that draw on students’ knowledge and personal experiences to create links between local and international affairs and public policy

About the Evaluation Project

Ms. Oviedo will conduct an evaluation of Global Kids’ Power of Citizenry Leadership Program, its core program that engages 600-700 students annually providing a singular learning experience that is enhanced through secondary programs, including the Human Rights Activist Project, Undesirable Elements theater project, U.S. in the World program, among others. In this way, students from varying educational backgrounds and abilities can participate in the core learning experience while at the same time participating in activities that are tailored to their talents and interests. Overall, Ms. Oviedo will seek to strengthen Global Kids’ evaluation processes to enhance measurement of student learning and understanding of international affairs, civic engagement, and assess the program’s impact on character growth and development of 21st century skills.