Note: As of February 2013, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Evaluation Fellowship Program has closed. More information about the program can be found at


The following list of resources are to provide additional information regarding applied research, evalution, and program planning. By posting these link's the RWJF evalution fellowship makes no particular endorsement of the content or opinions expressed at each of these sites. If any of the following links are broken please notify us by e-mailing As well contact us if you have additional resources you feel would contribute to the knowledge of others.

  1. Evaluation Training
    1. Monitoring and Evaluation online training course.
    2. Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center's online evaluation training.
    3. North Carolina State University's graduate program in evaluation.
    4. AEA Graduate Education Diversity Internship Program
  2. Evaluation Field/Practice Guides
    1. CDC guide to program evaluation.
    2. Syllabus for research method course notes from California State Long Beach.
  3. Informational Sources
    1. Claremont Graduate University's resource recommendations for program evaluators.
    2. AEA collaborative evaluation TIG's evaluation resources. 
    3. Harvard Family Research Project's evaluation resources including the Evaluation Exchange
    4. Stanford Social Innovation Review