Note: As of February 2013, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Evaluation Fellowship Program has closed. More information about the program can be found at

Retooling Fellows

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Evaluation Fellows Program for Retooling Professionals seeks to diversify the evaluation field by providing mid-career non-profit professionals with the necessary skills and training to become internal program evaluators. During the six-month fellowship, non-profit professionals will be trained in culturally-responsive evaluation methods while remaining in their job and working on a practical evaluation project for their employer. Each fellow will receive approximately 40 hours of training in workshops. Additionally, the fellows will receive technical assistance with completing an internal evaluation project at their organization.

The program’s goal is to help nonprofit professionals become better internal evaluators of their programs and better consumers of information for decision-making. The program also aims to equip participants with evaluation skills that will help enhance the evaluation capacity of their organizations. Ultimately the program seeks to infuse the evaluation field with well-trained individuals from diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives to meet the increasing diversity of programs and communities that the profession serves.

We will select up to 10 non-profit organizations seeking to expand capacity in program evaluation to enter the program. Organizations will nominate one mid- career staff person to represent the organization in the fellowship. An advisory committee comprised of staff from RWJF, OMG, Duquesne University and other professionals with evaluation expertise will review the applications. Reviewers will score the applications in the following areas:

For the non-profit organization:

  • Limited current capacity, but commitment to culturally responsive evaluation capacity of organization;
  • Ability to demonstrate how the organization hopes to use evaluation for ongoing learning and program development;
  • Existence of a clear plan for how the organization will support the fellow in conducting an internal culturally responsive program evaluation during the year-long fellowship, including realignment of job functions and access to organizational supports;
  • Existence of a clear plan for how the fellow will transfer knowledge and skills gained through the fellowship to other staff members for organizational capacity building.

For the non-profit professional:

  • Limited current experience and training in evaluation, but commitment to increasing skills in evaluation culturally responsive evaluation;
  • Commitment and ability to attend all training workshops;
  • Quality of evaluation project s/he will undertake during the fellowship year;
  • Willingness and ability to dedicate about 20 hours per month on an evaluation project;
  • Ability to demonstrate how they will use evaluation for ongoing learning and program development;
  • Ability to demonstrate how they will transfer knowledge and skills gained through the fellowship to other staff members for organizational capacity building;   
  • Ability to complete and present a final evaluation product.

We currently do not have an open call for applications. Please check back for program updates.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Basil Reyes is a 2nd generation Mexican-American born and raised in San Antonio, Texas.

Juan De Angulo was born in Philadelphia as the second of five children to Colombian parents.

Megan C. McCoy was raised in the area near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in a multi-generational household. From her parents influence, Megan developed a commitment to social justice.

Susan F. Hall is the Executive Director of Girls Quest, a youth development organization focusing on the needs of girls ages 8-18. She has been the Executive Director for five and a half years.

Margaret Goins was born and raised in Washington, DC.

Robin Redmond is currently the executive director of the Illinois Education Foundation (IEF), an educational foundation that works to broaden opportunities available to low‐income, highly-motivated Il

Mary Parker had the desire to engage in community-level programming, evaluation measures and program analysis from an early age.

Savolia Ellis Spottswood is a native of West Virginia.

Renee Kinney grew up on a small farm in Minnesota, and began working in the fields and with farm animals at a young age.

Sofia Oviedo was born, raised, and completed her formal education in New York City, and now works as a development professional there.

Ruthlyn Webster, LCSW, ACSW, is currently the Director of Programs at Kristi House, where she oversees the Clinical, Case Coordination and Comprehensive Assessment Departments. Ms.

Terry is a product of the East and the West. She was born and raised in Manila, Philippines, but has now lived more than half her life the United States, whose diversity she relishes.

Eloisa Patterson lives in Santa Maria, California with her husband of 15 years, David, and three children Rebecca, Daniel, and Olivia.

Carlos Zepeda was born in Nicaragua to an agricultural engineer father and a mother who worked as a communications professional.